With an influx of players from our waiting list, we have decided to make some changes to the schedule and format of the sessions. Since the numbers and skill levels in general break this way, we’ve decided to separate each of our sessions by grade. It also allows for more players to join while still keeping the players per court manageable. We appreciate the understanding and patience of all of our families in trying to make volleyball in Cambridge as accessible to as many players as we can.
Saturdays (9/28 – 12/14, no sessions 10/12, 11/2, 11/30)
Location: Cambridge War Memorial Field House
Session 1 [Grades 6-7]: 5:40pm- 7:00pm*
Session 2 [Grades 8-9]: 6:30pm-7:50pm
Session 3 [Grades 10+]: 7:50pm-9:10pm
*Session 1: please drop off players anytime after 5:30pm as the gym will not be open at 5:30pm and we do not want players waiting outside in the cold. Also, note that there is overlap between sessions 1 and 2. During the overlap, Session 1 will play games on one half of the gym, while Session 2 will be doing warmups and drills on the other half.
Due to the varying skill level of all of our players, we are allowing newer players to play down in a younger session if they feel more comfortable doing so (or for other reasons such as playing with a sibling/friend). For players wanting to move up to an older session, we will continue to do assessments every few weeks for players that want to try to move up. The purpose of the assessments is to determine if players are capable of performing the higher level drills while keeping them efficient and effective for all players involved.
*Players have to be registered to play.
**We are currently at capacity for all 3 sessions. Please fill out our waitlist form and we will contact you if space becomes available.